Spiral Up Data Quality
Clients often don’t know what the quality of the data is that suppliers are using to make key decisions; are they evidence led. Suppliers rely on data from their team and their supply chain, but don’t have metrics on data quality and where they can trust it. The CDT offers organisation an opportunity to benchmark data, gain better insights into data quality to drive the data culture, surface challenges and prioritise improvements.
Data capture and aggregation
Quality analysis, KPIs and reporting.
Data cleansing, data de-duplication, data enrichment, connecting data.
Improving capabilities to integrate data from different projects & organisations.
Data alignment
Fitness for purpose of data. Is the data quality sufficient to solve the use case?
Benchmarking reports. Variance analysis between organisations, projects and suppliers.
Identification, prioritisation, development and implementation of potential improvements and recommendations. Root cause analysis and remediation.